Altec Had a Full House For DocLink Advanced Admin Training in Atlanta Last Week

Our skilled team of trainers were kept on their toes with a very full classroom last week during our first summer DocLink Advanced Admin Training (AAT). This AAT session was held at the Atlanta headquarters of long time Altec customer McKenney’s, a mechanical contractor since 1948 that has built and served facilities in every state from Louisiana to West Virginia.
Altec’s DocLink AAT training is a four-day intensive training session which includes lecture, real-life examples, and hands-on labs led by Cathy Champlin, Customer Support Manager and John Claiborne, Senior Consultant. Customers are instructed on the many powerful facets of DocLink ranging from ERM capture, import and output managers, auditing, security and workflow, and much more including troubleshooting and maintenance to provide them with the tools they need to get the most out of the solution. Attendees in Atlanta were also offered the opportunity to participate in an Interact session, an opportunity for one-on-one in-depth discussions with our technical team.
But all work and no play is just no fun! So the Altec team kept customers entertained with a variety of evening activities. The highlight of the event was a Happy Hour and dinner at The Square Pub, a local bar and restaurant.
Lori Corbino, Customer Care Manager, comments, “Customers who attend AAT learn a lot from the sessions, but get even more from the interactions with each other, the pain points they are each working through, and ways DocLink has helped them.”
Corbino continues, “Our customers are the best! We are so appreciative of McKenney’s for providing us with the meeting space all week, and for being so supportive of our educational and marketing activities!”
If you’re a customer and want to expand your DocLink knowledge, be sure to join us for one of our upcoming trainings in August (Toronto, Canada), September (Orange County, CA) and November (Orange County, CA). Register here.