Altec’s EMEA Sales Director Trekked to Machu Picchu for Cystic Fibrosis

Our own Andy Bell, Sales Director for EMEA, was recently part of a 4-person team that hiked Peru’s Inca Trail ending in Machu Picchu. What makes the event significant is that Andy hiked the trail with eleven-year-old David Capitan, possibly the youngest person with Cystic Fibrosis ever to make this trek.
As a long-time family friend to David’s grandad Dave Finch, Andy was moved by young David’s plight to want to accomplish this feat. After several months’ training, Dave, Andy, Sam Worden (David’s step dad) and David, made the steep four-day climb to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. David was inspired by his dad, Carlos Capitan, who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with grandad Dave in 2015, raising almost $4,000 for the CF Trust.
Despite having picked up a bacterial infection right before they departed, young David was determined to make it to Machu Picchu. Every morning before they could start hiking, David had to follow a strict hour-long regime of medications to help maximize his lung capacity. It was difficult at times but young David and the team completed the 58 mile trek that travelled crazy elevation changes from 11,000-14,000 feet.
Andy commented, “It was a big commitment for David and his family to take this on but he did amazing. He’s a happy boy, he would run around and hike like any other 11-year old, but he would also wear down and need to take breaks. David is quite a role-model for others with CF, it’s a life-threatening disease but he doesn’t sit around bemoaning it. He and his family believe that everyone should live the best life they can and continue to push personal limits. I was thrilled to be part of this adventure and for such a great purpose.”
Altec was pleased to support the team with a donation to Cystic Fibrosis Trust as part of the company’s 2018 philanthropic campaign, #AltecGives. The team has raised over $4,000 so far, which will be matched by David’s dad, Carlos. If you are interested in joining Altec to support young David’s charity, click here to make a donation. The team plans to hike Ben Nevis in Scotland, the highest peak in the British Isles, next month.