Altec’s September Advanced Admin Training was a HUGE Success!

Altec hosted another successful Advanced Admin Training (AAT) last week in Irvine resulting in our customers excited to take their extended product knowledge and expertise back to their companies!
Over the course of the 4-day intensive training, attendees became power users following lectures, real-life examples, and hands-on labs led by Cathy Champlin, Customer Support Manager and John Claiborne, Senior Consultant. Cathy and John instructed customers on the many powerful facets of DocLink including ERM capture, import and output managers, auditing, security and workflow, and much more to provide them with the tools they need to get the most out of the solution.
When not in class, the Altec team kept customers entertained with a variety of evening activities. On Monday the group attended a Happy Hour at our Laguna Hills office, and Wednesday after class the group headed to local hot spot Javier’s for a yummy Mexican dinner!
Lori Corbino, Customer Care Manager, who was on hand throughout the event, had the opportunity to speak with customers about what they love about DocLink, as well as what they need and want from the solution moving forward. Corbino commented, “Customers who attend AAT learn a lot from the sessions, but get even more from the interactions with each other, the pain points they are each working through, and ways DocLink has helped them.”
If you’re a customer and want to expand your DocLink knowledge, be sure to join us for our final 2018 training November 5-8 in Orange County, CA. Register here.