Join Your Microsoft Dynamics GP Peers at reIMAGINE 2014

Dynamic Partner Connections will host reIMAGINE 2014 at the Holiday Inn of Fargo, ND from November 10th through 12th, drawing Microsoft Dynamics GP partners interested in learning how to sell more, market better and create innovative solutions and applications.
Keynote sessions, breakout sessions, networking receptions and post-conference training opportunities define reIMAGINE 2014 as a must-attend event for all Microsoft Dynamics partners looking to reimagine their business plans and the role that Microsoft Dynamics GP plays. Altec will attend the event, sharing how Certified for Microsoft Dynamics (CfMD) integrated document management solution DocLink can better optimize a company’s use of its enterprise resource planning (ERP) software.
Altec Channel Program Manager Christi Sobodos will attend reIMAGINE and host Altec’s table on Monday from 12:30pm to 1:30pm—so make sure to stop and chat with her! She notes, “reIMAGINE is an indispensable opportunity for partners. It not only provides a wealth of resources but also prompts attendees to take action and utilize their newfound skills to create and act upon courses of action.”
To read our press release and learn more, click here.
If you’ll attend the chapter meeting as well, tell us on Twitter and use the hashtag #reIMAGINE2014.
November 18, 2014 at 4:03 am, Altec Joins Implementation Specialists for Annual Great Plains User Conference | doc-link Digest: Altec's blog said:
[…] is traveling to Fargo, ND for the second time this month—to attend the Implementation Specialists’ 2014 Great Plains User Conference […]