Join Altec in Appreciating All Programmers for #DayoftheProgrammer

As a software company, computer programming is essential to our business, as it’s our amazing team of programmers that continue to breathe creativity and life into DocLink. That’s why we will be celebrating them, and all programmers tomorrow for International Programmers Day.
The Day of the Programmer changes annually because it’s celebrated based on binary code, falling on the 256th day of the year. The number 256 is distinct to programmers – we won’t go into the bits and bytes but suffice it to say that, when translated the day reads 1 0000 0000!
Almost everyone in today’s world benefits from the tools of the programmer. Programming influences every industry on the planet, with nearly every major business needing programmers to create and manage competitive solutions and infrastructures.
And the demand for programmers is not slowing down – a recent report from the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics states that employment of computer and information research scientists is projected to grow 16 percent from 2018 to 2028, much faster than the average for all occupations.
Which makes it an excellent career path for young people today. Technology has, and will continue to be a game-changer. By having the ability to automate tasks which previously had been considered tedious, technology has become the most disruptive industry in history. That why celebrating, and promoting the value of programming is so important to Altec. Our DocLink solution has, and will continue to become an integral part of our customer’s business success by helping them automate processes throughout their organizations.
We support broadening the education of young people today about programming, and encourage you to visit both and Girls Who Code for more information about programming opportunities for any age youngsters you may know.
And this weekend, celebrate the programmers you know by feeding them (this might require forcing them to leave their computer) or by simply sending them a funny programmer pun that you probably won’t understand but will make them laugh (just search Google, there’s a ton!).