Lots of Activity and Interest for DocLink at Key2Act Synergy Last Week

It was an incredibly busy conference for Altec at Key2Act’s Synergy 2019 conference last week, where the team experienced significantly valuable interactions with customers, partners and prospects alike.
Lori Corbino, Customer Care Manager and Himanshu Jain, Sales Engineer, were on hand at the DocLink booth during the 3-day event, and noted great discussions with the Key2Act team, prospects and customers galore from as far away as Australia! The highlight was the opening keynote including Rob Getz, President & Managing Director Connect at Key2Act, and Captain Jim Lovell and Gene Kranz from the Apollo 13 NASA mission, who spoke on keeping up with the pace of change.
The Altec team hosted their own extremely well-attended session titled, “Automate Your Job Costing Process and AP by Going Paperless.” During the presentation, the dynamic duo hosted a roundtable discussion with customers Shumate Mechanical and Herman Goldner who were able to engage the large number of attendees with their own DocLink experiences and successes.
Lori stated, “During the conference it was apparent that attendee hot topics were automating PO payments, connecting with job costs and using Key2Act’s MobileTech. Our presentation addressed these topics head on, emphasizing that you can start with DocLink for whatever department or process is your biggest pain point. Our participating customers offered excellent examples of this, and from very different perspectives. Eve Harrell from Shumate described how they started with DocLink in 2005 for automating AP but then added OCR, while Tony Harnett with Herman Goldner detailed how they did the opposite, starting in OCR which then led to implementing full automation in 2012. We even had an unsolicited customer in the audience share their story about what benefits they experienced with DocLink regarding audits. The session elicited a ton of audience questions which we thoroughly enjoyed. Being able to share with attendees DocLink successes straight from our customers was extremely helpful for attendees.”
But it wasn’t all work! Tuesday night the Key2Act team hosted a Native Night Monday night and on Tuesday night there was a professional rodeo! Even the Key2Act team got in on the action with Dan Rasmus, Director of Professional Services riding a horse in the ring!
Lori commented, “Key2Act did a fantastic job hosting, it was well organized, well attended, and very worthwhile for Altec in the interactions we were able to experience. We’re looking forward to next year’s event!”