Mark Your Calendars: Altec Will Speak and Exhibit at nVerge 2014

Interested in Microsoft Dynamics GP? Current users and curious parties alike should consider attending nVerge 2014, a one-day technology conference to be hosted by FMT Consultants. nVerge 2014 will take place next month on September 25th at the beautiful San Diego Marriott Del Mar and will focus on the latest trends and feature updates for Microsoft Dynamics GP, Dynamics CRM, third party applications for the Microsoft Dynamics product line and more.
The educational event will include a breakfast, time to explore the exposition floor and network, a keynote address, breakout sessions and a closing cocktail reception and raffle. Altec will showcase our integrated document management solution, DocLink, and will host a breakout session from 2:00 to 3:00pm. The session, titled “A Day in the Life of a Paperless Office,” will walk attendees through DocLink from the perspectives of various company positions to demonstrate the many business reasons to go paperless. Stop by and say hello to Altec Sales Director Richard Simmons. He is happy to answer questions and discuss document management for your specific company or department.
To learn more and read the press release, click here.
Already plan on going? Give us a heads up on Twitter!