Meet Altec in St. Louis

Altec is off to St. Louis, MO as a Believer Sponsor of The Partner Connections Event, October 13 – 14, and as a Platinum Sponsor of the Microsft Dynamics AX, GP and NAV User Group Summits, October 14 – 17.
The Partner Connections Event will give Microsoft Dynamics partners access to 80 workshops, 40 expert presenters and valuable peer networking time. The Dynamics user group summits will unite the Microsoft Dynamics community and send attendees home with actionable solutions and ideas. The three events will feature a total of 450 educational breakout sessions, lively group discussions and roundtables, opportunities to suggest future releases with Microsoft staff and many networking events. A full crew of Altec Sales Directors, Sales Engineers, and employees from the Development, Professional Services, and Marketing Departments will be located at Booth #1034 in the Expo Hall. Stop by the booth for a chance to win $100!
Make sure to attend our breakout sessions as well, where you can also win $50!
AXUG Session: Thursday, October 16th from 9:15am to 10:15am
GPUG Session: Thursday, October 16th from 10:45am to 11:45am
NAVUG Session: Thursday, October 16th from 9:15am to 10:15am
To learn more and read the press release, click here.
If you’ll be in St. Louis too, let us know on Twitter, and use the #TPCE14, #AXUGsummit, #GPUGsummit and #NAVUGsummit hashtags!