Looking Back at CONNECT 2014

From September 21st to 23rd, we were at the Sheraton Downtown Dallas as a Gold Sponsor for the Epicor Prophet 21 World Wide User Group Conference, CONNECT 2014. In attendance were Randall Glenn, Senior Sales Engineer; Curt Hixson, Business Development Manager and Sales Directors Peri Lynn Silkwood and Tony Choquehuanca.
We were happy to meet with attendees at our booth, where we held interactive demonstrations on DocLink and discussed how it integrates with Prophet 21 to streamline business processes. Altec has been providing document management solutions to Epicor users for more than 25 years—so we’ve got a great deal of experience working with Prophet 21 customers!
We also presented a breakout session titled “Go Paperless with DocLink Integrated Document Management Solution for Prophet 21,” demonstrating the ways Prophet 21 users can optimize their ERP software by going paperless.
As always, we brought home important notes from attendees at the event. Thank you to the users who shared their document management questions and specific business priorities with us. We look forward to seeing you again next year!