4 Reasons to Visit Altec at Convergence 2015

If you’re going to Atlanta next week for Convergence, make sure to stop by the Altec booth! We’re sending a full team—and they’re ready to answer your questions, give advice and inform you of the latest doc-link updates (and plans for the future!).
4 Reasons to Visit Altec at Booth #422 at Convergence 2015
1. Experience Altec’s newest feature for DocLink —mobile! See how you’ll be able to access documents anywhere, any time.
2. Find out about our theater session, “Business Automation: The Document Management Initiative” (ST15P020) to take place at the Media Wall on Tuesday, 3/17 at 11:15am.
3. Find out about our breakout session, “Altec’s Answer to Your Question of Efficiency: DocLink” (SB15P110) to take place on Wednesday, 3/18 at 12:30pm.
4. Meet the Altec team and watch personal LIVE demos of our document management and workflow solution at the booth.
See you all soon in Atlanta for #CONV15! Visit Altec at Booth #422.