Looking Back at Convergence

And just like that, our fun-filled week of work in Atlanta is over. We had such a fantastic time reconnecting, meeting new people, attending educational sessions and sharing information on going paperless with all who were interested. Some of us may even still be suffering from Convergence withdrawals!
The opening keynote set a great tone for the week, encouraging attendees to empower business transformation by making changes and taking chances in life. Interested in the takeaway that really motivated us? “Leaping with danger is the only kind of leap that matters.”
Equipped with literature and interesting customer anecdotes, the Altec crew eagerly interacted with all who stopped by the booth. Senior Sales Engineers provided personal DocLink demonstrations; staff members shared how to use our DocLink Mobile application for smart phones and tablets and visitors were informed of exciting new enhancements that will accompany DocLink 3.1 this summer (like version control, automated email capture and drag-and-drop indexing, etc.). The Altec team shared news of our continued commitment to the Microsoft channel as well with the announcement of our new Microsoft Partner Program.
All agree that our booth interactions were invaluable. Customer Care Manager Lori Corbino comments, “The best part of Convergence? Seeing all our customers. It is great to have the opportunity to see familiar faces as well as put that voice/name to a new face—priceless!”
Sales Director Tony Choquehuanca enjoyed his Theater Session on document management at the Media Wall. He drew quite the crowd from the convenience of the trade show floor. How cool is that? The next day, during our breakout session, Senior Sales Engineer Doug Tanner gave a more in-depth look at document management with DocLink. Attendees asked smart questions, and one lucky person even walked out with a Microsoft Surface.
Our long days on the floor didn’t limit us to early bedtimes: sponsored, dinner (thanks Sikich!) and unofficial parties filled our nights. We left Convergence with innovative business ideas, new relationships and great memories such as the closing performance by One Republic. To Microsoft Convergence and all the folks we spent time with: Thank you! We’re already looking forward to #CONV16.