Altec’s First Online DocLink Customer Training a Success!

When everything went remote, so did we, hosting our first online Advanced Admin Training (AAT) for customers last week! It was a full ‘classroom’ with customers all over the world attending the 5-day, 4 hour-per-day session. Our experienced DocLink trainers Cathy Champlin, Support Manager, and John Claiborne, Software Developer, instructed customers on the many powerful facets of DocLink. Topics included ERM capture, import and output managers, auditing, security and workflow, and much more to provide them with the tools they need to get the most out of the solution.
As with in-person AAT sessions, the online training was limited to an intimate number of customers to allow for an open format. Attendees were able to mute and unmute themselves and interact freely, more closely mirroring in-person classes. One of the attendees commented, “The class was phenomenal and the trainers were excellent, they really know their material. I had no idea that this was their first time doing a virtual training.”
One of the most significant benefits of the virtual classroom was the use of a cloud environment for the classroom. Cathy and John were able to provide live troubleshooting, with the ability to log on remotely into customers’ sites. Other customers then got the opportunity to see and learn from their real-world situations.
DocLink’s Smart Form Toolkit and Workflow were hot topics, but many showed particular interest in the mobile client training. Many of the attendees had never experienced the DocLink mobile client and the online cloud environment allowed them to play around with it and see the benefits first-hand.
Attendees also enjoyed the open Q&A sessions before and after class, which allowed everyone to hear about and see others issues. “It became like water-cooler or coffee talk you’d experience during breaks. It was nice for everyone to still get the opportunity to learn from each other,” said John. The Altec team also hosted a virtual happy hour to wrap up the first day with Jessica Quintanilla, Director of Professional Services, kicking things off with some great stories from the group!

Jessica commented, “The initial feedback we’ve received about this session is overwhelmingly positive. Customers liked the availability of an online course, and all attendees had a great attitude and felt comfortable asking questions.”
If you didn’t get a chance to attend this virtual session, our next DocLink training will also be online and is scheduled July 13-17. Register today to ensure your spot.