Giddyup and Visit Gold Sponsor Altec at the NAVUG Summit!

Nashville is the place to be October 10-13 so make sure to get NAVUG Summit on your schedule! Join us at the conference and connect with your NAVUG peers and a slew of partners like ourselves for important hands-on training and educational sessions.
And don’t miss our TED (Transforming Everyday Documents) Talk Wednesday, October 11th at 2:45pm highlighting how going digital with document management solution DocLink provides users with greater access, visibility and control. Hear from real users how DocLink was initially implemented for AP, then extended into HR and legal for measureable results. Additionally DocLink’s full text search for contracts will be detailed. Learn how to spend less time managing data, learn how to streamline your business processes, improve efficiencies and reduce costs for immediate ROI.
You can also find Altec at Booth #739 to speak with our on-hand experts and get an in-person demo of DocLink. Contact us at to schedule a meeting.
Click on the PDF button below to discover why NAVUG Summit is your key to connecting with your NAVUG peers. With 175+ sessions and an expected 900 attendees, see the top five benefits for attending the conference and why learning and networking go hand-in-hand.
So join us at this great event. Mosey on down to Nashville and check us out. We look forward to seeing you there!