Altec Presentation a Hit at Sage Intacct Advantage Last Week

We had a great time during last week’s Sage Intacct Advantage conference – it may have been virtual but we had many exciting interactions with Sage Intacct users in our booth!
Our session, Go Paperless & Automate Processes in EVERY Department with DocLink Cloud was extremely well attended, and resulted in a slew of follow-up questions and demo requests by attendees visiting our booth. An enduring theme we continue hearing about is the need by companies to support a flexible workforce that works from the office, from home or a mix of the two. Our session addressed this issue head-on, detailing how DocLink Cloud can enable today’s modern workplace to be able to communicate, collaborate, and do their best work from anywhere. DocLink Cloud supports business scalability while allowing companies in many industries such as construction and real estate, financial services, healthcare, hospitality, non-profit, etc. to eliminate paper and streamline processes in every department, including:
- Accounts Payable – faster invoice approvals, automated processing and workflows, document indexing and 3-way matching
- Sales Order Processing – greater visibility and control from PO receipt to signed proof of delivery
- Contracts – manage the entire contract lifecycle with version control, full-text search and DocuSign integration
- Accounts Receivable – automate delivery of AR invoices including supplemental documentation
If you registered for the event but were unable to attend our session, a recording is available on-demand through November 30th on the event’s platform. Just login and click on the sessions tab to find our session. And if you would like to schedule a call or demo with our team, contact us today!
We look forward to participating in next year’s event, scheduled November 8-11, 2021 in Las Vegas, and hope to see many of you there in-person!