Get an A+ in the Workplace with This Tool

Has school started where you live? Some students headed back at the end of July while others will celebrate Labor Day this weekend before classes resume. No matter the start date, one thing remains the same: the hunt for the perfect back-to-school supplies. And when it comes to school supplies, parents and students are looking for high value. Most don’t want to skimp on quality for the tools used every day. Why? Because these tools could hinder a student’s performance should they start to fail or fall apart.
What about your organization? Many are spending money on paper, toner, postage, and even off-site storage. But do you know the one tool that will save your business money and allow your team to work more productively? For an A+, the answer is document management.
Do you ever lose documents? If you cannot easily get to a file in a timely fashion, you should consider a solution that allows for safe and easy access from anywhere. A good document management solution allows you to capture and index documents (even on the go!); search for and retrieve the documents from any device; use configurable automated workflow to speed along your business processes; and automate the output of documents. Say your customer calls asking for a certain file. With a document management solution in place, you’ll be able to quickly access that document.
Is it hard to get a document approved? If you walk an invoice down the hall to drop it off on a coworker’s desk (or if you email a file for approval and hope for a response), you may lose visibility. You could miss out on early pay discounts or incur late fees. With a document solution, however, employees are alerted when they have documents requiring approval. Employees can approve or deny from an email or from their mobile device. You can even receive alerts that a document has stalled in a particular workflow and now requires automated escalation.
Why not utilize a tool in the workplace that eliminates silos of business data and automates workflow? If you had access to critical data with a few clicks and didn’t spend time on menial paper-related tasks each day, imagine the strategic initiatives you could instead focus on. With a document management system, your company could grow without having to worry about adding to headcount – all because you are supported by a scalable solution seamlessly integrated to your ERP.
Students shouldn’t be the only group utilizing the right supplies to work smarter. Equip your team with a quality tool at work to save money, streamline processes, and grow your business. Go paperless with document management!