Congratulations to our 2014 Partner of the Year Award Recipients!

It is with great pleasure that we announce our 2014 Partner of the Year Award recipients: ADSS Global and Bartlett, Pringle & Wolf, LLP (BPW). Both partners have demonstrated superior knowledge, truly understanding and providing solutions to their customers’ needs.
ADSS Global was chosen as our Sage ERP Document Management Partner of the Year based on sales volume for 2014 as well as the number of clients the partner organization helped go paperless with Sage ERP Document Management over the full year. Peter Kaufman, President of ADSS Global stated, “ADSS Global prides itself on offering best of breed applications to our customers and Altec’s Document Management system is the product of choice for us to recommend because of the quality, level of integration with Sage, along with their excellent customer support.”
At Sage Summit 2014, ADSS Global and Altec were able to step away from the busy trade show for a moment and chat. Watch this video to see what Carol Openhym had to say about document management and working with Altec:
BPW was recognized as our DocLink for Dynamics Partner of the Year based on the same criteria. BPW Business Solutions Manager Stephen Korosy commented, “Our clients depend on BPW to bring them the best product solutions for their needs. . . . Altec has made it very easy for us to not only align our clients with DocLink, but has helped to put BPW in the best position possible for implementation and support of our clients with DocLink.”
We are so grateful to have worked side-by-side with such outstanding organizations. Thank you for 2014; now we look forward to 2015!
To learn more and read the ADSS Global press release, click here.
To learn more and read the BPW press release, click here.